Carácter y Liderazgo
Estos programas capacitan a los jóvenes para desarrollar habilidades de liderazgo para apoyar e influir en su Club y comunidad, mantener relaciones significativas con otros, desarrollar una imagen propia positiva y un buen carácter, participar en el proceso democrático y respetar su propia identidad cultural y la de los demás.

Programas Success

Ty'zandria, 11
I love STEM because we get to make cool things like a light, there's a book that shows us what to do. We do it everyday, I want to do the same when I grow up.

Karon, 9
Passport to Manhood is my favorite because in the motivation lesson, it's like really fun to know how to motivate yourself and motivate other people. It's helped me motivate people.

Amanda, 9
I like Triple Play because it's fun and I don't have to stay still. At home im really bored, I like that I can come here & it gives me something to do. It doesn't make me like super bored, so I can't do some stupid stuff.